
Holiday greetings…

As we turn another page on the calendar and look towards the holidays, many of us are starting to look forward to seeing friends and family (albeit in a socially-distanced, masked and hand-sanitized sort of way).However, so many senior citizens in our community are facing the holidays with the knowledge that they may be alone this year due to health risks. And that simply breaks our hearts. Want a few suggestions on how to help senior citizens during COVID Christmas season?

We have put together a list of ways we can remember our older loved ones this holiday. Take a glance and possibly take action now to bring Christmas cheer to someone this year!

Holiday Cheer Suggestions-

**send a handwritten note ** Be a “ virtual” visitor ** contact a local nursing home and see how you can offer your assistance ** purchase small but needed gifts to have a “ porch party” **play virtual games **offer to run errands

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